Thursday, May 14, 2020

What Is Cultural Intelligence (Cq). The Cultural...

What is Cultural Intelligence (CQ)? The Cultural Intelligence Center defines CQ as a tool that â€Å"measures your capability to relate and work effectively in culturally diverse situations† (What is CQ Anyway?, 2017), noting that CQ is a form of intelligence that has been tested by academic researchers in over 98 countries for nearly two decades. Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is the ability to understand key cultural standards of a colleague’s culture, to listen, discern, and modify someone’s behavior or communication preferences, to be open minded and sufficiently flexible to change interaction tactics and expect different outcomes depending on a particular situation or context. CQ is a set of competencies that allows individuals to function†¦show more content†¦CQ Pros Culturally intelligent employees are generally emotionally mature, and have good general social skills which gives them the ability to increase innovation and creativity, as they bring together diverse resources and help the organization make the most of the various viewpoints from a multicultural workforce. Cultural intelligence provides many benefits to the organization, including: †¢ Productive relationships based on the belief that other people’s differences are important. †¢ Effective communication in different cultural settings. †¢ Capitalizing on teamwork where people act and think differently. †¢ Suspending cultural judgement, to improve innovation processes and task performance. †¢ Maximizing decision making. †¢ Tools for improving sales success, people performance and brand image. †¢ Inspiring employees and management to be the best they can be. †¢ Insights to better understand and appreciate international colleagues and clients. †¢ In other words, developing cultural intelligence helps an organization gain a competitive edge in whatever industry they are in. Regardless if the contact is between domestic or foreign employees, successful interactions requires cultural intelligence (Paz, 2015). CQ Cons Cultural diversity increases the complexity of business, however very fewShow MoreRelatedCultural Intelligence : Improving Your Cq1361 Words   |  6 PagesCultural Intelligence: Improving Your CQ to Engage Our Multicultural World by David A. Livermore, puts emphasis on improving people’s understanding of culture, or cultural intelligence, of Christian workers for them to be an effective servant. As the world is growing smaller, encountering people from diverse cultural background is becoming a part of the daily life. Ministry inside and outside of the country involves complex, diverse, and multicultural interaction, and the need for Christian workersRead MoreDiversity Issues Paper1016 Words   |  5 Pagesto teams to solve problems and create better products and services† (Bucher, 2015, p.44).  Ã‚   Cross-Cultural Communication Why do you agree or disagree that leaders must communicate inclusively in a multicultural world? 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It is a person’s â€Å"interests and confidence in functioning effectively in culturally diverse settings† (Livermore, 2011, p. 6). There are three

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