Friday, December 27, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis Of Kendrick Lamar s I m The...

Kelli Rowswell WRT 105 Mark Bousquet Rhetorical Analysis October 28th, 2016 â€Å"I’m the biggest hypocrite of 2015†: Kendrick Lamar’s 2016 Grammy performance Well-known American rapper and songwriter, Kendrick Lamar, in his influential performance at the 2016 Grammy Awards while singing Blacker the Berry off his 11 time nominated album To Pimp a Butterfly, recounts issues of racism in society, however, conveys a deeper meaning of hypocrisy towards the end of the song. In this essay, I will be doing a contextual analysis of Kendrick Lamar s 2016 Grammy performance. I argue the significant meaning throughout Lamar s performance, then I go outside the event and describe events in the outside world that related or could have perhaps provoked him to decide to perform those particular songs and I’ll conclude by examining how those outside events could potentially alter our perception of the performance and the importance of knowing that information. The message Kendrick is trying to convey are very blunt and explicit throughout the entire song. â€Å"Or try to celebrate February like it’s my B-day† (Lamar 2016), shows his u se of metaphorical language and imagery to portrays his frustrated attitude towards current racial views in America. Born in Compton, Kendrick Lamar delivered a performance at the 2016 Grammy’s in February. Performing racially charged songs like â€Å"Blacker the Berry† and â€Å"Alright† was Kendrick’s attempt to bring more awareness towards police brutality among black

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

My Presentation On Cultural Development - 1569 Words

My Presentation on Cultural Development Shermaine Cunningham UDC-CC What comes to mind when you think of culture? What do you think of when you hear development? We can associate cultural with different ethnic groups around the world like for instance East Africa. We can associate development with different countries around the world that provides the people with knowledge through technology like for instance Japan, which is a huge developing country. A country’s cultural development is measured by The Human Development Index (HDI) that gives an overall of its social and economic situation to include life expectancy at birth, adjusted gross domestic product per capita, and education within the schooling and literacy system.†¦show more content†¦Put the two together would be the spread of ideas, customs, social behavior of a society and technologies from one person and place to another. Why does development vary among countries? Development vary among countries based on economic indicators of development, gross domestic product per capita, types of jobs, raw materials, consumer goods, social indicators of development, education and literacy, health and welfare, demographic indicators of development, life expectancy, infant mortality rate, natural increase rate, and crude birth rate. Gross domestic product per capita is more per hour in dollars amount in more developed countries compared to less developed country where it is per hour in cents. Types of jobs can depend on the category you are in since there are three categories, primary which includes agriculture, secondary which includes manufacturing and tertiary which includes services jobs. Raw materials are used from such items as minerals and trees where things like paper are made from wood are more accessible in more developing countries and less accessible in less developing countries because of fallen prices. Consumer goods are based off of our ev er day life like cars, telephones/cellphones, and televisions that all play a role in the economic world today. Education and literacy has more school systems with more school teachers with less number of students in a class

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

International Business Machines Corporation Essay Example For Students

International Business Machines Corporation Essay IBM The Big Blue is often a name use by many to describe the worlds largest provider of computer of hardware, software, and service. Years ago many said International Business Corporation (IBM) wouldnt as prosperous, but who would have said they were wrong. Know one would of forecast the success of IBM. It was obvious that they would be successfully because computers are extremely important in todays world. Without computers society wouldnt be advance in technology and other areas. Many of IBM customers consist of such companies as insurance companies, airlines, some banks, and many other large corporation. IBM sales consist of programs for large companies with enormous computer system which needs software. IBM is also trying to The history of the International Business Machine Corporation began with a 40 year-old salesman name Thomas Watson. In 1914 Thomas Watson was a National Cash Register, he was trying to save a company known as the Computing-Tabulating-Record Company(C-T-R).At this time he was trying to sell or marketed C-T-RS Hollerith machine and other tabulators to the US government during WW1. He wanted to sell punch cards tabulator. Once he had supplied the US government, with these tabulators, he had triple (C-T-R) revenues to nearly $15 million by 1920. In 1924 Computing-Tabulating-Record was change to International Business Machines. IBM then began to take over the worlds market for tabulators, clocks, and electric type writers. By 1940 it was the us largest office firms that deals with machines. There sales had reach $50 In the year of 1944, IBM had perfected the the calculator it was known as Harvard Mark I. It was actually a electromechanical calculation. It is said that this was the first potentially computers. In 1951 Remington Rands came out with the UNIVAC it began to replace the IBM machine. In the 1960s and the 1970s IBM came out quickly and built a market share near 80%. IBM used its superior marketing. In 1952 Thomas Watson Jr became president and presented its first computer, 701. While Jr was president he introduce the Stretch system, which get rid of vacuum tubes. Also during this time the first family computes, which were called the 360. In 1957 the first programming language came, it was called FORTRAN. and also the first floppy it was introduce in 1971. IBM then came out with more advance computers such as System/38 in 1978 and the AS / 400 in 1988. Once IBM PC came out many other introduce their own PC. In 1984 IBM, Sears, and CBS Founded Trintex, which is now Prodigy online service. During 1984 IBM began to have loses because of competion with other companies, even though it had profits of $6.6 billion, because of competion. Many other company such as Rolm telecommunication, Kodak, Lexmark and other companies which produce keyboard, printer and other supplies. 1992 IBM set up a European unit to sell low cost clones of its own computers and from a venture with other companies to prepare a voice and data network service. In 1993 IBM enter another joint to develop software. During that year Louis Gerstner became IBM CEO. IBM has taken part high competition, low margin PC and storage markets. And it looks to the interest areas of big computers, semiconductors, software and service for force. In 1994 sold its federal system unit which provide computers service to the government, for 1.5 billion. IBM then began to produce computer chips. IBM then bought the software Lotus for $3. 5 billion dollars. IBM began to produce computer chips designed In 1995 IBM bought Lotus spreadsheet software for $3.5 billion In 1996 IBM bought Tivoli system for $743 million. Since IBM had invested an estimated $1.2 billion IBM they continue the partnership with Sears and solid prodigy to management and investors for $250 million. During that same year IBM became the largest to offer health benefits to gay and lesbian workers. .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 , .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 .postImageUrl , .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 , .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515:hover , .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515:visited , .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515:active { border:0!important; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515:active , .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515 .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0e879f9535df6fdd9bc897075c996515:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Abortion - Prolife View (2191 words) Essay In 1997 IBM plans to give 2 for stock split for the first time, since the 1979. This would make IBMs stock more affordable for investors. When IBM started its series of personal computer, the computer help enforce, software compatibility. Computer made others companies started using the same operating system as the IBM personal computers so that they run the same programs. The new generation of computer well led to the development of new type of computer which would operate much faster and one day it may operate as fast as mainframes Bibliography: .

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Stanley Milgram’s Experiment on Obedience Essay Example

Stanley Milgram’s Experiment on Obedience Essay This simple experiment demonstrates how people behave in concrete situations. It tested how much pain an ordinary citizen could inflict on another person simply because he was commanded by authority. Stanley Milgram experiment was conducted to shed light on how the Nazi used the apparatus of Germany to exterminate Jews and other nationalities who were considered undesirable by the Nazis in Europe during the war. Social psychologists believe that at that time the only fringe segment of society is capable of extremely moral irresponsible behavior. Milgram disproved this assumption when he showed that ordinary people are also capable of committing violence. People obeyed the authorities even as it conflicts with internal personal beliefs. This paper looks at the ethical aspects and the contributory areas which the study helped especially in the field of psychology.The ExperimentThe â€Å"teachers† in the experiment served as subjects and were recruited by Milgram through the news paper ad. He offered $4.50 for one hours work. The â€Å"teachers† were then told that they were to take part in a psychology experiment investigating memory and learning. They were introduced to two experiment collaborators, the stern-looking experimenter, and the friendly co-subject who was an actor here. The co-subject and the â€Å"teacher† draw lots in a rigged manner that results in the â€Å"teacher† assuming the role of the real subject. To reinforce the authenticity of the experiment, the â€Å"teacher,† and â€Å"learner† were given a sample shock of 45 volts from the chair in which the â€Å"learner† will be strapped. The â€Å"teachers† were then told that the purpose of the experiment is to explore the effects of punishment for incorrect responses on learning behavior. The â€Å"teacher† was told to use a shock generator capable of producing a 15 to 450 volt shock with a 15-volt increment for wrong response. After the experiment, they were given the real debriefing of the experiment. Most subjects were shocked to discover that they were capable of such a deed and some even developed psychological problems. The results revealed that of the 40 subjects (â€Å"teachers†) in Milgram’s experiment, 68 percent delivered the full 450-volt capacity. Of the 40 subjects, 15 performed the task with nervous laughter.Implications of the Results of the StudyThe results of the study revealed that: 1) The person who is in authority is significant because the subjects were under his command to perform as tasked. 2) There was a gradual commitment that was observed which resulted in seemingly insignificant increase in commitment building. 3) The experiment had to be done as objective as possible because the prestige of Yale was on the line. 4) The delegation of authority shifted some of the moral weight of the experiment from the subject to the â€Å"experimenter.†Experts questioned this bec ause they say that experiments require the experimenter to seek informed consent so that subjects will know what they will be doing before they do it. Furthermore, as the experiment was conducted in other countries, the experiment was incorporated in the US military training as a required psychology course as part of command training. The experiment had a questionable ethical structure. Yet it contributes to psychology and the study of the behavior of man. This is in relation to the amount of regulation or supervision that parents undertake with their children. Controlling/demanding parents place limits on their children’s freedom of expression by imposing many demands and actively surveying their children’s behavior to ensure that these rules and regulations are followed. Uncontrolling/ undemanding parents are much less restrictive; they make fewer demands and allow children considerable freedom to pursue their interests and to make decisions about their own activitie s. This experiment points to the authoritarian parenting which is a very restrictive pattern of parenting in which adults impose many rules, expect strict obedience, rarely if ever explain to the child why it is necessary to comply with all these regulations, and often rely on punitive, forceful tactics (that is, power assertion or love withdrawal) to gain compliance. Authoritarian parents are not sensitive to a child’s conflicting viewpoints, expecting instead for the child to accept their word as law and to respect their authority.Putting this in the context of the Milgram experiment, we find that anything that is forced upon an individual and curtails his freedom is unethical and is not the best way to effect a change.Even in the military, war is a socially sanctioned and approved form of violence. The military services of many nations, including ours, drill young men over and over until they perform the act of killing automatically and choicelessly when a certain signal c omes. When the war is over, nothing is done to extinguish this conditioned readiness to kill so that, under stress, the ex-soldier may turn it even toward his own countrymen. He also often lives with a lifetime of prejudice toward people he learned were â€Å"the enemy.†The experiment leads us to the ethics of it and sends the message that man is indeed capable of violence when forced to do it. Violence has long been a part of our human tradition. An innate tendency toward acting violently exists in every one of us. Where we get into trouble is through the many ways our culture approves of the vicious expression of violence. By vicious, I mean destructive, non-problem-solving reactions that ultimately lead to further violence in a self-perpetuating way. We have too often tried to solve complex, frustrating problems with oversimplified response of the gun or the A-bomb.Other Ramifications on the issueThe issue of the quest for knowledge and the respect for people definitely ca n be made more distinctive in experiments such as these. The initiators need to spell out the boundaries in conceiving of an experiment. The Milgram experiment shows to all how the psychology of man and how his mind works. In a way, I have to realize as I ponder on the ramifications of the experiment that the essence of much of our violence, is this: We project the cause of our own unhappiness and dissatisfaction outward onto others, and try to attack it and eradicate it there.ConclusionsOur violence is a symptom of a deeper psychological disturbance  Ã‚   within us. It goes back to fear and pain and punishment. In my psycho-logic, I equate my â€Å"enemies† with those who punished and injured me when I was a child, with those who had little love for me, and with those who create conditions that make it easy for my life to be empty and loveless and unsatisfying now. In the end, Milgram states it succinctly, â€Å"For a man to feel responsible for his actions, he must sense that the behavior has flowed from the self.† It is only then that true change happens.;

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Entrepreneurship An Emirati Perspective

Entrepreneurship An Emirati Perspective Encouraging private entrepreneurship in the highly competitive environment of a globalized market is not an easy task; however, by addressing the current economic, political and financial issues efficiently in order to encourage the progress of private entrepreneurship and introduce European and American standards into public and private entrepreneurship, the government of UAE will be able to handle the current problems faced in the private and public sector. In their research Entrepreneurship: An Emirati perspective, Halah El-Sokari, Constance Van Horne, Zeng-Yu Huang, and Mouawiya Al Awad discuss the problems that entrepreneurs face nowadays and provide the methods of dealing with these problems. Although the research does not cover all of the problematic issues, which the Saudi Arabian entrepreneurship is currently suffering from, it still offers a fairly decent account of the significant problems and the strategies that can improve the current state of affairs and reinforce the U AE business sphere. The research features some of the grand accomplishments of the UAE government in defining the current entrepreneurial issues. To start with, it is crucial that the research was conducted based on the results of a statewide survey since it allowed for not only providing the audience with the latest (2006–2011) data but also the information regarding both domestic UAE companies and the companies located in other states. Another strong point of the given report concerns the authors’ skill of noticing the critical tendencies in the UAE business sphere and bringing these tendencies to the readers’ attention. One of the least expected and, quite honestly, the most welcomed ones concerned the introduction of the so-called intrapreneurship into the UAE business sphere. According to the definition provided by the authors of the study, intrapreneurship can be defined as a â€Å"type of entrepreneurial activity which is recognized and measured by the G EM survey is employee entrepreneurship† [1, p. 16]. By emphasizing the fact that a number of UAE employees showing the signs of entrepreneurial activity, the authors of the research state that the rates of the private business initiative are growing fast within the UAE setting, which is a perfect sign for the state’s economic improvement. The given conclusion is crucial for the further evolution of the UAE business, since, at present, the state economy depends on SMEs for the most part. Therefore, it is the duty of the state government leaders to do everything possible in order to encourage the development of SMEs. Seeing how the phenomenon of intrapreneurship contributes to the evolution of small businesses in that it encourages employees to start their own small business. Another apparent strength of the paper concerns the description of the Entrepreneurship Leave framework, which is bound to have a significant effect on the UAE SMEs evolution and the economic growth in general. Not only do the authors provide a detailed overview of the given strategy, but also explain its significance in the context of the â€Å"diversified knowledge economy† [1, p. 21], making it clear that the competitiveness increase, which the given strategy triggers, is exactly what the UAE economy needs. The role of social networking in the reconstruction of the Emirati economy is the third element that makes the given report stand out. In the era of globalization, when significant companies join to create transnational corporations, the means of getting in touch, as well as expanding, promoting services to different states and making essential business connections. Social networks have gained incredible weight as both the means to promote directly to the target audience and keep in touch with the latter, creating the illusion of an essential link between the potential customers and the company in question, therefore, engaging people into a conversation and, with t he basic principles of customer psychology applied, thrilling them into making a purchase and using the company’s services. It was also brilliant of the authors of the research to come up with an average UAE businessman profile; with an academic endeavor of their own, Halah El-Sokari, Constance Van Horne, Zeng-Yu Huang, and Mouawiya Al Awad have defined the key features of an average UAE entrepreneur quite precisely. Finally, Halah El-Sokari, Constance Van Horne, Zeng-Yu Huang, and Mouawiya Al Awad must be credited for finally shedding light on such a painfully notorious issue within the UAE business sphere as the obstacles on the way of female entrepreneurs. It is rather impressive that the authors discuss the problem in a separate chapter, outlining the critical issues regarding the progress of female entrepreneurship, taking the cultural aspects of the UAE into account and providing an overview of the measures that are undertaken to address the problem. However, the resear ch also contains several rather weak or, at the very least, dubious elements. First of all, one of the most notorious issues in the UA business sphere, the fact that the private sector is dominated by foreign businessmen, has been ignored in the report. While the authors mention that migrant labor is used in the UAE, stressing the need to â€Å"encourage Entrepreneurial Population by reaching out to all demographic groups including youth, women, seniors, migrants, and the unemployed† [1 p. 111], they provide only a short paragraph with a brief mentioning of the issue without going into any further detail about the problems that the UAE natives suffer, or mentioning the rates of unemployment induced by the unwillingness of foreign owners of private companies to recruit native residents of the UAE. While the report seems to represent other current UAE issues quite decently, Halah El-Sokari, Constance Van Horne, Zeng-Yu Huang, and Mouawiya Al Awad have ignored the question above of foreigners ripping the UAE citizens off of their right to compete with immigrants. Drawing the conclusion, one must admit that the authors of the report did a reasonably good job by conducting such vast research. However, some of the significant issues have still been overlooked, which means that the given report needs further improvement. The study admittedly has a number of strong points, covering most of the problems that the modern UAE businessmen, company owners, and employees face regularly. It is also quite refreshing that the study embraces not only political and economical but also social issues, allowing one to define more factors that shape the current UAE market. However, the research also has several problems in terms of the integrity of the results; for example, the lack of insight on the gender profiling issues within the present-day UAE business sphere, as well as the lack of analysis. With that being said, the report still provides an excellent general overview of the UAE economic situation and gives much food for thoughts. With several minor corrections, the presented research could provide the basis for drafting a plan of the UAE financial situation improves. Reference List [1]. H. El-Sokari, C. Van Horne, Z.-Y. Huang and M. Al Awad. Entrepreneurship: An Emirati perspective. The Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISERI), Essex, UK, 2013.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Entrepreneurship: An Emirati Perspective specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Luke’s Significance In The Scriptures

Luke’s Significance in the Scriptures If I were lucky enough to lecture students on Luke’s Gospel, simply discussing the factual aspect of his writings would not do him, nor Jesus, any justice. Along with it being a great depiction of Jesus’ life from his conception until his resurrection, Luke’s Gospel teaches lessons Jesus used through His teachings to better educate His followers of what it takes to eventually be a part of God’s kingdom. Such information would be seemingly too broad to understand within the confines of a book, however Luke masterfully combines all of these facts into one story with numerous lessons, leaving it as a difficult task for an educator to select which aspects of it to cover. The third Gospel, written by Luke, presents The Son of Man through a human form as Jesus. Jesus’ life on Earth could be broken down into three parts: Jesus’ birth, Jesus’ preaching, and Jesus’ death and resurrection. These three aspects of His life are the vocal points for what modern day Theologians seem to focus on in their own teaching, so it would be nonsensical for me to refrain from using them within my own. It must also be acknowledged that much of what Jesus endured through His lifetime teaches a point so after discussing the actual happenings of a particular event, it is necessary to discuss its intentions for us. Concerning Jesus’ birth, I would teach students how His birth had both simil- rities and differences to our own. Mary went through pregnancy carrying a fetus for nine Kearney 2 months, as women always have, though she was never actually impregnated. The Angel Gabriel visited Mary to bear some unexpected news, telling her that, â€Å"†¦you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son† (CSB 99). Mary was a virgin, although God gave her the power to conceive a chi... Free Essays on Luke’s Significance In The Scriptures Free Essays on Luke’s Significance In The Scriptures Luke’s Significance in the Scriptures If I were lucky enough to lecture students on Luke’s Gospel, simply discussing the factual aspect of his writings would not do him, nor Jesus, any justice. Along with it being a great depiction of Jesus’ life from his conception until his resurrection, Luke’s Gospel teaches lessons Jesus used through His teachings to better educate His followers of what it takes to eventually be a part of God’s kingdom. Such information would be seemingly too broad to understand within the confines of a book, however Luke masterfully combines all of these facts into one story with numerous lessons, leaving it as a difficult task for an educator to select which aspects of it to cover. The third Gospel, written by Luke, presents The Son of Man through a human form as Jesus. Jesus’ life on Earth could be broken down into three parts: Jesus’ birth, Jesus’ preaching, and Jesus’ death and resurrection. These three aspects of His life are the vocal points for what modern day Theologians seem to focus on in their own teaching, so it would be nonsensical for me to refrain from using them within my own. It must also be acknowledged that much of what Jesus endured through His lifetime teaches a point so after discussing the actual happenings of a particular event, it is necessary to discuss its intentions for us. Concerning Jesus’ birth, I would teach students how His birth had both simil- rities and differences to our own. Mary went through pregnancy carrying a fetus for nine Kearney 2 months, as women always have, though she was never actually impregnated. The Angel Gabriel visited Mary to bear some unexpected news, telling her that, â€Å"†¦you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son† (CSB 99). Mary was a virgin, although God gave her the power to conceive a chi...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Text and Audience Paper Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Text and Audience Paper - Coursework Example It is increasingly becoming a conventional activity. Its growing significance is affecting the relationship between corporate organizations and their various stakeholders such as clients, workers, suppliers, governments, and the communities. The article by Griffiths is to remind corporate players of the fact that taking considerable care of the people and the environment is fundamental to good financial results. Organizations are not supposed to wait for the relevant government bodies to impose certain rules and regulations for them to oblige. They have a responsibility to protect the social and cultural systems of the societies under which they expect to coexist in. To build a business based on trust and prescience, corporate social responsibility has to be considered as a fundamental factor. This is essential in building and keeping trust with communities and clients. To flourish and achieve long-term goals of a business, organizations are expected to focus on much more than issues affecting them at present, and think more about the future (Griffiths, 2010). This fact is not just applicable to the advancements in technology, but also on the changes in social, cultural, and environmental matters. Griffiths explains corporate social responsibility as â€Å"business behavior that creates the trust and commitment of stakeholders, both now and in the future†. He suggests that corporate social responsibility can no longer be viewed as a background corporate public relations strategy, but a significant factor that is gradually becoming correlated to fundamental operational performance. The key drivers of this primary concept comprise of compliance to laws and regulations crafted for this purpose, and an emphasis on the significance of environmental rules necessary to create customer loyalty and brand likeness. According to Griffiths (2010), unlike what many may suggest, â€Å"Corporate social responsibility is a set of business values and not a tool†. Due to this fact, it is unlikely to follow the line of reengineering. Not all organizations will successfully implement this concept; however, it is not logical for anyone to suggest that it has been applied to the wrong reasons. Unlike other business concepts, it is not likely to fade away anytime soon (Griffiths, 2010). This is because the environment under which corporate social responsibility operates is characterized by a much wider group of stakeholders; many of them exhibit opposing interests in this context. A good example is an incidence whereby a company decides to invest in reducing carbon emissions for environmental protection. This would mean that it probably will have to cut funding towards employee training initiatives, pay less dividend ratio, and also reduce funding towards community development program. According to Griffiths, the effectivity of the concept of corporate social responsibility can be managed in four different perspectives, i.e. â€Å"corporate gover nance and ethics, environment, people, and contribution to development†. Information plays various primary tasks in the implementation of this key concept. The general conceptual model of implementation incorporates processes, people, and technology. This is to make sure that its outcomes are integrated